Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday Mini Goals

My goals for the week...

- tackle the pile of shredding that is currently piling up under a kitchen chair
- bring my lunch to work three days
- use mouthwash every night

They are simple goals. I didn't want to set myself up for failure on the first Monday.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Welcome to my rambling thoughts.

Today I was checking the blogs I follow.

I found a new one...tried a was great. As I was looking at old posts, I realized I'm not like this woman. I'm not like any of the blogs I follow.

I want to be thrifty...but more often I'm not.

I want to be eco-friendly...but  more often I'm not.

I want my garden to flourish....but more often it does not.

I want to be crafty....but I have trouble finishing things.


Join me on my path to being a better over all person.